Countermovement Jump Analysis: Full Analysis Documentation
This application is the second of a pair of applications to analyze the force plate data of a countermovement jump. Verification of program functionality with Countermovement Jump Analysis: Value Verification is recommended before running the Full Analysis version. Additional documentation can be found on this shared google document.
- Obtain force plate data of a countermovement jump
- Ensure it is formatted in the correct file format (see Inputs)
- If not already done, run Value Verification version of application (optional but recommended)
- Change the inputs to desired values (ideally using the inputs from Value Verification version)
- Run program
- Verify program
- If timepoints are incorrectly identified and output values are not reasonable, then repeat steps 3-6.
- Download results and save with a desired name and path
- File: force plate data in either of the following formats
- Zip File (preferred)
- Each countermovement jump will be an individual tab separated text file within the zip file
- Download a template file here
- CAUTION: ensure the sampling rate is 1000.00 Hz
- CAUTION: the program can only take a maximum of 5 individual jumps per zip file
- CSV File (2 column options)
- A single csv file containing all the jumps
- Left leg data must come before the right leg data
- Download a template file here
- Column Option 1
- CAUTION: MUST input 5 jumps per csv file
- Column Option 2
- CAUTION: MUST input 5 jumps per csv file
- Trim Before: the time before which the data is excluded. The rest of the program will not access the data before this time point.
- E.g. If Trim Before equals 2 seconds, then the program will removed all the data before 2 seconds.
- Trim After: the time after which the data is excluded. The rest of the program will not access the data after this time point.
- E.g. If Trim After equals 12 seconds, then the program will remove all the data after 12 seconds.
- Sigma: the sigma of the Gaussian Filter used to smoothen the raw data.
- Step Size: the step size between each data point used in calculations.
- CAUTION: a very small step size can be very taxing on the computer and can even crash the program if it runs out of memory
- Calculate the system weight at time...: the time point at which the program will start calculating the system weight
- Default time point is 0.0 seconds for all jumps.
- A maximum of 1 second after the timepoint can be used to calculate the system weight.
- System weight should be the weight of the participant due to gravity.
- CAUTION: ensure that the calculation region has smooth data
- Use Manual Input: a check box to toggle telling the program whether or not it needs to calculate the normalized reference variables.
- If the overall normalized reference variables are known, check the box and input the values. Otherwise let the program calculate the variables.
- Medial/Lateral & Anterior/Posterior Normalized Reference Variable: the normalized reference variables for each of the respective directions
- Normalized Reference Variable = overall mean range of variation + 3 * standard deviation of the overall mean range of variation
- Internally the normalized ref. variable is multiplied by the system weight to obtain a threshold value which is used to determine the time to stabilization.
Errors (Some are not being used)
- Invalid data in CMJ file. Input CMJ file does not have correct number of columns
- Reason: CMJ file does not have correct number of columns
- Solution: input a CMJ file that matches the accepted CMJ Input file formats listed above
- Invalid data in CMJ file. No numeric data found or a column with header has no numeric data
- Reason: program will drop rows where any of the columns are N/A or empty. Then it will check for valid numeric rows, this error is raised if no valid rows are found
- Solution: Check that rows do not have an empty or invalid column value. Remove any empty columns that have a header.
- For example, the empty column “Right Leg Normal Force” will cause the program to remove all rows where “Right Leg Normal Force” is empty
- pandas.errors.EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file
- Reason: input CMJ file is empty
- Solution: input a non-empty CMJ file
- Invalid data in CMJ file. “None of [Int64Index([5], dtype=’int64’)] are in the [columns]”
- Reason: data in CMJ file is invalid or is missing columns
- Solution: input valid CMJ files
- BW Error: Issue with quiet stance mass. Error in input data from CMJ files
- Reason: erroneous data in CMJ file or erroneous settings parameters have caused wrong calculations
- Solution: check that data in CMJ file inputs and settings parameters are correct
- BW Error: Check mass calculation. Error in input data from CMJ file(s)
- Reason: erroneous data in CMJ file or erroneous settings parameters have caused wrong calculations
- Solution: check that data in CMJ file inputs and settings parameters are correct
- Possible error: force while subject is in air 5% body weight. Error in input data from CMJ file(s)
- Reason: erroneous data in CMJ file or erroneous settings parameters have caused wrong calculations
- Solution: check that data in CMJ file inputs and settings parameters are correct