In this example, we demonstrate how to plot a function in a single variable input by the user. Sympy is first used to interpret the expression and then plots the function given the two bounds provided by the user.
The code returns errors if the expression could not be interpreted, or if the plot was not rendered.
The output page uses the built-in if function to return the plot and the equation when no errors are given. Otherwise, a message is displayed to the user depending on the error identifyed.
Below I provide the code used for the example and the output page:
import sympy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import base64 import io #This function is used to create an image from the plot created using matplotlib.plt def plt_show(plt, width=500, dpi=100): # Converts matplotlib plt to data string # dpi (dots per inch) is the resolution of the image # width is width of image in pixels bytes = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(bytes, format='png', dpi=dpi) # Save as png image plt.close() base64_string = "data:image/png;base64," + \ base64.b64encode(bytes.getvalue()).decode("utf-8") return "" def main(inputs): f=inputs['func'] a=inputs['a'] b=inputs['b'] Err=False img=False Err2=False try: g=sp.sympify(f) except: Err=True #Here I use sympy plot which is has matplotlib as its backend. if not Err: x=sp.symbols('x') try: sp.plot(g,(x,a,b)) img=plt_show(plt,500) except: Err2=True return {"plot":img, "equation":f,"Error":Err,"ErrorPlot":Err2,"a":a,"b":b}
{% if outputs.Error %} Please Enter a valid expression in x {% elif outputs.ErrorPlot %} Function could not be plotted. Please enter a valid expression in variable x {% else %} The following figure provides the plot for the function f(x)={{outputs.equation}} between {{outputs.a}} and {{outputs.b}} {{outputs.plot|safe}} {% endif %}
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